The Stream

The Stream

Hello Marshall, this is your higher-power speaking. Where have you been? I’m waiting for you
in the mountains. On the Ocean. Through the Waves. In the Sand. Right by the beach with the
birds. There is still so much I want to see and experience. The only way I will be able to do that
is One Day at a Time. I’m excited for what lies ahead but will never forget where I came from.
So many roads yet to travel. Where will they lead? What is to become of us? Why are we here?
Are we living in a dream world? Are we all just a drop of water in a vast ocean of other droplet
universes? Do others think these things as well? Is there an answer to every question? Where
does the Spirit go? Where do all the lost souls go and is one ever really lost?

The journey is forward. Time ticks away. Ticks away in seconds. A measurement made by Man.
We are always trying to measure things. The cup isn’t half full or half empty. IT JUST IS. A cup
holding volume and air. Perfectly mixed like the Ying and the Yang. The good and evil. The sun
and the moon. The blue sky and the green grass. The ups and downs. The lefts and rights. The
winners and losers. The imperfect balance of Love and Hate.

I dream while awake and learn while asleep. Two worlds collide with me as just an observer in
the right place at the right time. Living completely in the moment with no worry of yesterday or
tomorrow. I am at peace with my neurons firing off Adventurously through the Multiverse and
back. All of this is happening in a droplet of water in some space and time I can only dream of.
The droplets puddle and create a flowing stream through my mind. A stream of consciousness
where Ideas become Reality. To think this may all be over in the blink of an eye. The sound of
the generic iPhone alarm echoes across the landscape of my mind and I suddenly realize:
It’s time to wake up for work.

(914) 226-4830