Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

For Alcohol Awareness Month, we met with the team over at Release Recovery to talk about what you gain when you don’t drink alcohol. We’re sharing the details below on just a few of the benefits of sobriety and to lift up what happens when you don’t drink!

1.Better Sleep

As a depressant, alcohol slows down your nervous system. While at first it can make you drowsy, as it leaves your system your nervous system speeds back up, which often leads to frequent wakings and an inability to sleep soundly.

2.Improved Mood

Despite billions of marketing dollars spent on making you think alcohol allows you to let loose and relax, the irony is that once the initial flood of dopamine begins to wane, anxiety and depression can surge. 

3.Weight Loss

A can of beer typically contains 150 calories and a glass of wine contains approximately 120 calories. While some of you may not count calories or pay much mind to this, if you’re looking to lose weight or become more healthy, reducing your alcohol intake will help you get there.

4.Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

New studies have shown the old research that a glass of red wine is good for your heart is not as accurate as once thought. Abstaining or reducing your alcohol intake can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.

5.Overall Healthier Lifestyle

  • No more hangovers

  • Able to remember what happened last night

  • More present in the moment

  • Deeper relationships with loved ones

With countless benefits to abstaining from alcohol use, it was hard for us to select just a few. However, we hope you can find this list to be motivational in your personal journey! If you’re in need of helpful resources for you or a loved one, visit our Resources page on our website or our Resources highlight on our @lemonsbytay Instagram page.


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