Who Will Help a Loved One or Myself Move Through the Process of Care?
All Release Recovery clients will be assigned a case manager. Case managers are recovery coaches that act as the “quarterback” of care. They meet with clients regularly, provide accountability and frequently assess what areas the client needs more support, ensure the clinical team, family, residential staff and important stakeholders receive the proper and timely communication, and provide start-to-end guidance and coordination of the treatment process. They can assist with clinical referrals, court date prep, recovery goals, securing employment, and more. Release is also proud to offer 24/7 support staff.
How Long Does the Admission Process Take?
Our team is largely home-grown, and the majority of us have lived experience. We understand first-hand the importance of urgency when a person is ready and willing to get help. We try to move as quickly through the process as possible, but it is comprehensive. To effectively capture all relevant information and history from current providers, loved ones, and the client themselves, ideally, we have at least one week from first contact to admission.
What makes Transitional Living different from Sober Living?
Release’s transitional living is much more than a place to live. It’s a thoughtfully crafted program designed to provide the structure, accountability, and community needed to build a sustainable recovery and integrate what you learn into your life post-treatment. From our high client-to-staff ratio, awake overnight staff, and upscale facilities to our unique programing (i.e. yoga, volunteer work), frequent drug and alcohol testing, and weekly family educational offerings and support groups, transitional living at Release is unlike anywhere else.
Every client is also assigned a case manager, who meets with clients regularly, advocates for their best interest, maintains communication with all key stakeholders, and provides start-to-end guidance and coordination of the treatment process.
Can I work while at Release?
We encourage our clients to seek employment during their time with us once they have established their foundation of recovery. It is an important step to take while in our program, surrounded by support and as we work to instill the skills needed for independent living.
Do I Need to Have Completed a Detox or Treatment Program Before Applying?
No, there are no treatment requirements pre-admission. Admission to our program is determined on a case-by-case basis.
What type of Recovery Programming is Offered?
From volunteer work, cooking, and yoga to academic and career support, writing, and group movement classes, Release’s programming is extensive and diverse. Residents also have the opportunity to participate in community-oriented activities like camping trips, dinners out, barbecues, and more.
Is There Programming for People with Busy Work and Home Demands?
New York City has no shortage of people working in high-performance careers, where stress and tight deadlines rule the day at work and at home. Our transitional living track for busy professionals and executives allows our clients to integrate sustainable recovery into their professional lives. This track offers a good balance of structure and accountability, while accommodating clients’ work and life demands; and it has yielded excellent results for many of our clients. We can also provide concierge services that adapt to any client’s needs.
How Long Can or Should a Client Stay?
We don’t focus on the length of time, but rather behavioral milestones. Everyone’s journey and the time required to achieve progress is different. But generally, we advocate for three months at minimum.
Is There a Difference in Services Between the NYC Transitional Living Residences and the Westchester Location?
No, there is no difference between the program structures. Due to lack of access to public transportation at our Westchester location, clients are provided daily transportation services.
What is Your Medication Policy for People who are Prescribed Necessary but Abusable Substances?
We support Medication-Assisted Treatment and work with clients on a case-by-case basis.
Will I Have a Roommate?
There are shared rooms and single rooms available.
Are Residents Allowed to Date?
We do not recommend entering into a romantic relationship when early in your recovery journey. This is highly case-by-case dependent and what is considered healthy will depend on the client.
Does Release Provide Support for People with Dietary Allergies or Restrictions?
Yes, Release will work with each client to ensure that they have access to meals that suit their particular needs.
What Should I Bring?
Our transitional living programs are all-inclusive, meaning that you just need to bring yourself, a desire to participate, a positive mindset, and your basic belongings – such as clothing, personal grooming items, etc
Are There Any Devices Not Allowed Within the Residences?
Clients can bring any device. We institute an electronic blackout for five days upon arrival. And then clients must turn in their device each night for the first month they’re with us.
Is It Possible for Residents to Gain Additional Privileges?
Residents may, down the road, be given additional privileges based on trust. These are not simply rewards; they’re a show of good faith that, over time, a person who has made progress in our program can begin to take on more responsibility.
What, if any, Over the Counter Medications Are Not Allowed?
Over-the-counter medications are permitted, but all medications are kept in a locked locker.
Is Smoking Tobacco/Vaping Allowed?
While Release promotes health and wellness, we do permit clients to smoke in designated smoking areas; and for anyone seeking to quit, we encourage smoking cessation aids and will provide support.
Can a Client Leave The Program at Any Time?
It is up to the client to decide if and for how long they stay in our program. Our clients are advised to stick with the program for three months to best see the benefits associated with structured transitional living. That said, entering our transitional living program is voluntary. Residents will not succeed without a desire to do so.
Are Clients Allowed to Sleep Overnight Elsewhere?
Overnight stays must be approved by staff. Approval is based on our staff’s assessment of a client’s risk level and an overall level of trust that has been built. Safety and accountability are our highest priorities, as such residents are breathalyzed nightly and randomly drug-tested 3-4 times a week. For overnight stays, we use a portable breathalyzer for clients granted permission to leave the property.
Can I Bring My Pet?
Release permits service animals (i.e. guide dogs, seizure detection animals), as recommended by doctors and on a case-by-case basis. This does not include emotional support animals.
How Do You Choose Who is Involved in an Intervention?
An intervention that is being conducted for a person in their teens or early 20s will require significantly different planning and execution than an intervention for someone much older. We work closely with those requesting the intervention to thoughtfully craft a plan that will yield the best possible outcomes.
How Long Can the Sober Companion Service Be Used?
There are no time limitations for how long a Sober Companion can be used.